Sustainable Success for SUT in the latest THE Impact Rankings

Suranaree University of Technology (SUT) has been ranked 401-600 in the latest Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Ranking 2023, improving from 601-800 last year. SUT is now one of the Top 10 universities in Thailand for Impact. The improved ranking reflects the University’s commitment to sustainability and it’s vision to be an Innovation & Sustainable University.
First published in 2019, the THE Impact Rankings seek to measure the progress of the global higher education sector against the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs were adopted in 2015 by all United Nations Member States and represent a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice.
In this year’s ranking almost 1,600 universities are included worldwide and SUT was ranked in the Top 100 in the world in 4 of the 17 SDGs: SDG1 – No poverty (41st), SDG2 – Zero Hunger (71st), SDG7 – Affordable and Clean Energy (78th) and SDG12 – Responsible Consumption and Production (80th). SUT also performed strongly in many of the other SDGs, making it the best performance by the University in the THE Impact Rankings since we first participated in 2020.
Associate Professor Dr. Anan Tongraar, President of SUT said ‘I am very proud of the performance of the University and the improvements we have made this year. It is the hard work of the SUT community working together with local and regional partners that has made this success possible’.
The strong performance of SUT reflects our strong commitment to addressing global and local issues through our teaching, research, outreach and strategic partnerships. These partnerships allow SUT to provide sustainable solutions to the challenges facing humanity in our increasingly fragile, but interconnected world.
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